Monday, July 14, 2014

Big Mother

Scott Ott has a great piece tonight about children playing outside. This is what happened in LaPorte, Texas when a mom sat outside watching her two children ride their scooters in the cul de sac where their home was located:

Scott also writes about a mom in South Carolina who allowed her nine-year-old daughter to play for several hours at a local park while the mom worked at McDonalds. Please read more here.

I am so thankful for the outdoor life my three youngest children are experiencing in New Mexico. On days when they want to work, they earn minimum range on their mom's farm/ranch. On days when they want to play, they explore arroyos, play football with no protective gear, play basketball, and play with animals.

The child protection system seems to be getting out of hand. There is a blog that catalogs its abuses daily. It is called Legally Kidnapped. I should read it more often.

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