Monday, April 07, 2014


Matt Walsh writes that some have turned Jesus into a purple dinosaur puppet.

“We’re best friends like friends should be. With a great big hug, and a kiss from me to you, won’t you say you love me too?”

No, Walsh writes, that is not the Son of God.
He’s not the Jesus I read about in the Bible. I read of a strong, manly, stern, and bold Savior. Compassionate, yes. Forgiving, of course. Loving, always loving. But not particularly nice.

He condemned. He denounced. He caused trouble. He disrupted the established order.

I think it’s time we ask that question: ‘What would Jesus do?’

And I think it’s time we answer it truthfully: Jesus would flip tables and yell.

Maybe we ought to follow suit.

Read more here.

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